Initiative Foundation grants $10,000 to fund our individual financial coaching
Mar 10, 2020Leech Lake Financial Services received $10,000 from the Initiative Foundation to fund our one-on-one financial coaching in Cass Lake, MN. This grant will help us support our community through assist with basic budgeting and financial goals which will ultimately improve the recipient’s credit and buying power.
Initiative Foundation grants are awarded to Central Minnesota nonprofits and local government units that address opportunities or barriers to business growth and employment; advance economic security for children and families; support community-based early childhood literacy initiatives; provide training for future, displaced or underemployed workers; help small businesses survive and grow; enhance regional quality-of-life improvements, or lead to the development local natural disaster response and recovery efforts.
About the Initiative Foundation
The Little Falls-based Initiative Foundation exists to improve the quality of life and to build stronger communities within its 14-county region of Central Minnesota by offering business financing, technical assistance, nonprofit grants, donor services and leadership training. Since 1986, the Initiative Foundation has invested multiple millions in the region through targeted grants and business financing investments.
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